Sunday, February 24, 2008

An Interesting Workout – Using only a Deck of Cards

I recently read an article about an exercise routine called “Deck of Cards”. I really liked it because it offers an exercise option when you do not have access to a gym. Since I sometimes have to travel, I’ve found myself gymless many times. The only “equipment” you need is a deck of cards.

Choose three exercises you’d like to do. The article recommends choosing an upper body, a middle body, and a lower body exercise. In the example, lets say you choose to do pushups, squats (which can be done without weights), and crunches or sit-ups.

Then, shuffle the cards. Turn over the first card, and whatever the number on the card is the number of reps you will do for each of the three exercises. You can give values to the face cards such as Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13, Ace = 14. Once you do all three exercises, turn over the next card, and do that many reps for the three exercises. The goal is to complete the deck of cards. Of course, you can decide to do as many or as few cards as you like (remember, it’s YOUR workout and your fitness and weight loss program). When doing the exercises, do not rest in between each set. This way, your heart rate will stay high and you will get an aerobic workout while doing strength training exercises. This will help with both weight loss and muscle maintenance. Shuffling the cards before doing the workout routine will help mix up your workout so that your body does not get used to the routine.

I mentioned this workout is great if you are traveling and do not have access to a gym. But it can be used at home as well, when you don’t feel like going to the gym. Or, it could be done every single day.

* I found the article (written by John Beck) describing this exercise at , on a website called “YogaCoffeeOutlook”.


Tey said...

I agree there are so many way to do exercise and it is not an excuse if you're on vacation as well. I really don't have much time to go to the gym that's why I always have exercise DVDs at home to follow.. 30 min/day 3 to 4 times a week.. It feels great.

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